For Developers

API docs and Quire repository guide

API docs and Quire repository guide

Quire is in a limited beta and not yet released as open-source software. For a free license to use Quire for your publication projects, and for additional access to support, please sign up

Quire is centered around the static site generator, Hugo. Quire’s command-line interface is written in JavaScript and requires Node.js LTS to run.



This repo contains the command-line interface for Quire, default starter content used as placeholder content when starting a new Quire project, and a default theme designed to broadly cover a full range of use-cases and demonstrate the range of Quire’s content model.


This repo is specifically for the Quire website and documentation.


General configuration options for a project. See Configure Hugo for more options and information.

Location: config.yml, or any of the environment and format specific config files found in the config directory

Type: Object

Object PropertiesExpected ValueDescription
baseURLurlThe base url for your project.
blackfridayobjectOptions for Blackfriday, Hugo’s markdown renderer. Quire v0.18.0 and below. See below.
canonifyURLsbooleanConverts all internal links to being in complete canonical format. Default is false.
footnoteReturnLinkContentsstringControls the appearance of the link added to the end of footnotes. Default is “↩”.
markupobjectOptions for Hugo’s markdown rendering. Quire v0.19.0 and above. See below.
metaDataFormat“yaml”, “toml”, “json”Default is “yaml”.
paramsobjectAdditional parameters for Quire. See below.
relativeURLsbooleanKeeps all internal links relative. Default is true.
themeurl/idThe name of the theme, in the theme directory you’re using. Quire starter kit default is quire-base-theme.


Configuration for the Blackfriday markdown rendering engine.

Location: config.yml, or any of the environment and format specific config files found in the config directory

Type: Object

Compatibility: Quire v0.18.0 and below

Object PropertiesExpected ValueDescription
fractionsbooleanWhen set to true any numbers separated by a slash are automatically converted to fractions. Default is false. Though even then 1/4, 1/2 and 3/4 are still converted. Recommend always using proper unicode fractions: ¼, ½, ¾, ⅛, ⅜, ⅝, ⅞.
hrefTargetBlankbooleanWhen set to true, any Markdown links to external pages and resources will open in a new tab/window for the user.


Configuration for the markdown rendering engine. See Hugo’s Markup Configuration for more options and information.

Location: config.yml, or any of the environment and format specific config files found in the config directory

Type: Object

Compatibility: Quire v0.19.0 and above

Object PropertiesExpected ValueDescription
goldmark.renderer.unsafeboolean“true” (default) or “false”, allows the inclusion of HTML markup in markdown pages.


Quire-specific project parameters.

Location: config.yml, or any of the environment and format specific config files found in the config directory

Type: Object

ParameterExpected ValueDescription
runTestsbooleanTurn on or off the built-in tests that check for certain common errors and post error messages in the CLI output.
searchEnabledbooleanTurn on or off the built-in text search capability for users.
licenseIconsbooleanWhether or not to display Creative Commons license icons.
pageLabelDividerstring“. " default, determines the text/spacing to be inserted between page .label and page .title.
citationPageLocationDividerstring“, " default, determines the text/spacing to be inserted between the citation and the page number in the q-cite shortcode.
displayBiblioShortbooleanWhether a bibliography generated with the q-cite or q-bibliography shortcodes should display the short form of the reference, along with the long.
imageDirstring“img” default, the directory in the /static/ directory where you put your images.
menuClass“brief”, “list”“list” is the default, “brief” will show only top-level pages and sections, no sub-sections.
prevPageButtonTextstring“Back” default.
nextPageButtonTextstring“Next” default.
entryPageSideBySideLayoutbooleanEntry pages can have a side-by-side layout with image on the left and text on the right, this can be controlled by class: side-by-side in the page YAML, or globally with this parameter.
entryPageObjectLinkTextstring“View in Collection” default.
figureLabelLocation“on-top”, “below”Whether the figure label is “on-top” of the image in the upper left corner, or “below” it with the caption.
figureModalbooleanIf figures should be clickable to open into a full-screen modal window.
figureModalIconsbooleanWhether to display icons with the figure modal links.
figureZoombooleanWhether figures should zoom or not inside the modal.
citationPopupStyle“icon”, “text”Displays the citation pop-up links with an icon, or without.

Publication API

Location: publication.yml

Type: Object

Object PropertiesExpected ValueDescription
titlestringThe title of your publication.
subtitlestringThe subtitle of your publication.
short_title*stringA short version of your title, primarily for use in navigation elements with limited space.
reading_linestringAn additional title line for your publication.
url*urlThe full URL of your final publication.
pub_type“book”, “journal-periodical”, “other”Can be one of three values. Determines how key search-engine metadata is defined.
pub_dateYYYY-MM-DDThe first date your publication will be released.
language2-letter ISO 639-1 language code(s)Taken from the the list at List multiple languages using a comma-separated list.
identifierobjectSee below.
publisherarraySee below.
contributorarraySee below.
descriptionobjectSee below.
subjectarraySee below.
licenseobjectSee below.
resource_linkarraySee below.
revision_historyarraySee below.
repository_urlurlA public repository of the source code and revision history for the publication.


Location: publication.yml

Type: Array

Item AttributesExpected ValueDescription
namestringName of the publisher.
locationstringPublisher location, city.
urlurlPublisher homepage.


Location: publication.yml

Type: Object

Object PropertiesExpected ValueDescription
online*stringThe online and pdf_ebook fields allow you to add additional text to the full description that is specific to either the online, or the PDF/EPUB/MOBI editions and will only show up there. For instance, in order to point to special features in one or the other of the formats.


Location: publication.yml

Type: Array

Item AttributesExpected ValueDescription
type“keyword”, “bisac”, “getty”


Location: publication.yml

Type: Object

Object PropertiesExpected ValueDescription
namestringName of the license.
abbreviationIf using a Creative Commons licenses, should match one of the seven available options: “CC0”, “CC BY”, “CC BY-SA”, “CC BY-ND”, “CC BY-NC”, “CC BY-NC-SA”, or “CC BY-NC-ND”.
urlurlLink to the license text.
scope“text-only”, “full”, “some-exceptions”
online_textstringMarkdown okay. Will override the automatically generated license text for the online edition only.
pdf_ebook_textstringMarkdown okay. Will override the automatically generated license text for the PDF and e-book editions only.

Location: publication.yml

Type: Array

Item AttributesExpected ValueDescription
namestringHow the link will be named.
type“other-format”, “related-resource”, “footer-link”
media_typestringTaken from the list at
link_relationstringTaken from the list at
urlurlURL to web resource or to download.
identifier*objectSee below.
file_size_mb*integerFor downloads, file size in megabytes. Often appended to name in the interface, depending on your theme.


Location: publication.yml

Type: Array

Item AttributesExpected ValueDescription


Location: publication.yml, in any .Page.Params., or in any resource_link

Type: Object

Item AttributesExpected ValueDescription
isbn10- or 13-digit ISBNFor use with pub-type of “book”. ISBNs can be purchased individually or in packages at
issn8-digit ISSNFor use with pub-type of “journal-periodical”. ISSNs can be requested through
doi*stringNot yet implemented.
uuid*stringNot yet implemented.
urlPossibly replacing url in general Publication level??


Location: publication.yml or in any .Page.Params.

Type: Array

Item AttributesExpected ValueDescription
idstringNumbers and lowercase letters only, with no spaces or special characters (“001”, “fig-01a”, “bird-picture”, etc).
type“primary”, “secondary”, or user choice
first_nameAll contributors must have either a first and last name, or a full name defined.
bioMarkdown okay.
picurlShould be the file name of a JPG, PNG or GIF image (fig01.jpg). Avoid using spaces or special characters, and if it’s in a sub-folder within the main img directory (which is defined by the imageDir parameter in the config.yml file), it should include that sub-folder name as well (contributors/fig01.jpg).


Location: figures.yml

Type: Array

Item AttributesExpected ValueDescription
idstringNumbers and lowercase letters only, with no spaces or special characters (“001”, “fig-01a”, “bird-picture”, etc).
srcurlShould be the file name of a JPG, PNG or GIF image (fig01.jpg). Avoid using spaces or special characters, and if it’s in a sub-folder within the main img directory (which is defined by the imageDir parameter in the config.yml file), it should include that sub-folder name as well (comparatives/fig01.jpg).
altstringFor accessibility, all images should have alternative text descriptions. (Tips on crafting good alt text.) Only ever leave blank if the image is purely decorative.
captionstringThe caption to appear below the figure. Special characters are allowed. Use Markdown for formatting.
creditstringFollows the caption. Markdown allowed.
media_type“youtube”, “vimeo”Currently supports video hosted on YouTube or Vimeo. (May eventually expand to HTML5 video, audio, and Soundcloud, and others.) When a media_type is defined, a media_id must be as well. For video, it is also recommended that an image src still be used (presumably being a screenshot from the video) so as to provide a fallback for PDF and EPUB output.
media_idstringThe ID of the video resource on YouTube or Vimeo. For example, in the URL, the media_id would be VYqDpNmnu8I; and in it is 221426899.
aspect_ratio“standard”, “widescreen”For use with video media_types to properly scale video embeds. When no value is provided, the default is “widescreen”.
downloadbooleanIf “true”, download icon will be added to image viewer, allowing users to easily download the image file. Currently only implemented in the page type: entry image viewer. Default is “false”.


Location: references.yml

Type: Array

Item AttributesExpected ValueDescription
shortstringThe short form of the citation, ie., Brown 1984. Markdown okay.
fullstringThe full form of the citation. Markdown okay.


Location: objects.yml

Type: Array

AttributeExpected ValueDescription
idstringRequired. Used to reference objects from entry pages. Should be numbers and lowercase letters only, with no spaces or special characters (001, fig-01a, etc).
figurearrayA list of one or more images of the object. It is recommended that this list be only of id values corresponding with ids in your project’s figures.yml file.
linkurlA URL link to a page with more/current information on the object. Usually the object in the museum’s online collection pages.
date_start, date_endintegerReserved for future use in Quire.
dimension_width, dimension_height, dimension_depthintegerReserved for future use in Quire.

Objects also support arbitrary attributes, which might include title, artist, collection, etc. Those added will be output in a table on collection catalogue entry pages. The ordering of the display can be controlled with object_display_order in objects.yml. See Guide on Collection Catalogues.

Page API

Location: Any Markdown page in the /content/ directory.

Type: Object

AttributeExpected ValueDescription
labelstringA label for the page “Chapter 1”, “2”, “III”, etc.
short_titlestringUsed in navigation items where a long title would be too unwieldy.
type“page” (default), “essay”, “entry”, “cover”, “contents”, “splash”, or “data”See Define Page Types for examples
classstringCan accept any string, which will be included as a class in the main page element to facilitate style customization. A number of pre-defined classes also exist in the Quire Default Theme. Pages with type: contents can have class list (default), brief, abstract, or grid. Pages with type: entry can have class landscape (default) or side-by-side.
weightintegerControls ordering of pages in the publication.
objectarraySee Catalogue Entries.
contributorarraySee Contributors.
abstractstringMarkdown okay.
slugurl pathWill change the URL of the page. Or use a period . to make the URL be the directory name (homepage). Read more in the Page Types & Structure chapter of this guide.
tocbooleanDefault is “true”. Page will not display in contents page if “false”.
menubooleanDefault is “true”. Page will not display in menu if “false”.
onlinebooleanDefault is “true”. Page will not display in the online edition if “false”.
pdfbooleanDefault is “true”. Page will not display in the PDF edition if “false”.
epubbooleanDefault is “true”. Page will not display in either the EPUB or MOPBI e-book editions if “false”.

Pages with type: contents can have class list (default), brief, abstract, or grid. Pages with type: entry can have class landscape (default) or side-by-side.

Shortcodes API


Used for styling. Wrapping any Markdown text in this shortcode will wrap it in a <div> with the given class name in the HTML output.

{{< q-class "" >}} {{< /q-class >}}

Positional ParameterExpected ValueDescription
0 (class name)stringString without spaces or special characters to be used as a class for CSS styling.


Generates a bibliography from the entries in the project’s bibliography.yml file. See Citations & Bibliographies.

{{< q-bibliography sort="" >}}

ParameterExpected ValueDescription
sortstringOptional. Value can be any string that matches a key in the entires under entries of the references.yml file, to indicate which key to alphabetically sort the output bibliography by. Without sort the default sort is on “full”.


Adds a linked Author Date citation reference to the text, and a hover pop-up with the full citation text. It also adds the citation to a map of cited works, which can then be output as a page-level bibliography on essay and entry type pages. See Citations & Bibliographies.

{{< q-cite "" "" "" >}}

Positional ParameterExpected ValueDescription
0 (author date reference)stringShould exactly match an id value under entries in the references.yml file. Typically something like “Jones 1974”.
1 (page number)stringOptional. A page number of the specific citation. Will be appended to the citation text with a text divider defined by citationPageLocationDivider in config.yml
2 (display text)stringOptional. Alternate text that should be displayed instead of the default Author Date provided in the first parameter.


Can be used to create a page of contributor biographies, a section of bios for a single page, a simple list of contributors, a byline for a particular page, or other similar outputs. See Contributors.

{{< q-contributor range="" format="" align="" >}}

ParameterExpected ValueDescription
range“page”, “all”, or stringDefines which contributors to include. An arbitrary value matching a contributor type such as “primary” or “secondary” may also be used.
format“initials”, “name”, “name-title”, “name-title-block”, “bio”Defines what format the list should take.
align“left” (default), “center”, “right”Optional. Defines how the output text will be aligned.


Inserts a formatted figure image, label, caption and credit line. If using a data/figures.yml file, only an id parameter is required for this shortcode. If other values supplied directly in the shortcode they will override any corresponding values in the data/figures.yml. See Figure Images and figure_list above.

{{< q-figure id="" src="" label="" caption="" credit="" alt="" class="" >}}

ParameterExpected ValueDescription
idstringSpaces or special characters should not be used and will be stripped out. When used in a shortcode without a corresponding src parameter, the shortcode will look for a matching id in the project’s data/figures.yml file. When used in a shortcode with a corresponding src parameter, this will create an id for the image markup that can be used to link to the image directly ( and ignores any potentially corresponding information in the data/figures.yml file.
srcurlShould be the file name of a JPG, PNG or GIF image (fig01.jpg). Avoid using spaces or special characters, and if it’s in a sub-folder within the main img directory (which is defined by the imageDir parameter in the config.yml file), it should include that sub-folder name as well (comparatives/fig01.jpg). If your project uses data/figures.yml file, you shouldn’t use a src parameter in the shortcode as it will override all other information.
altstringFor accessibility, all images should have alternative text descriptions. (Tips on crafting good alt text.) Only ever leave blank if the image is purely decorative.
captionstringThe caption to appear below the figure. Special characters are allowed. Use Markdown for formatting.
creditstringFollows the caption. Markdown allowed.
labelbooleanDefault is set to true. true will add a label to the caption, such as “Figure 1.3”, false will remove the label. The global label setting is in the config.yml file under the parameter figureLabels.
classis-pulled-right, is-pulled-left, is-full-width, is-centered-smallSets the style of the figure image.


Like q-figure, but with handling for multiple images at once. See Figure Images and figure_list above.

{{< q-figure-group id=" , , " grid="" src="" label="" caption="" credit="" class="" >}}

ParameterExpected ValueDescription
idstringOne or more comma-separated ids that match corresponding values in the project’s data/figures.yml file.
captionstringThe caption to appear below the figure group. Special characters are allowed. Use Markdown for formatting. Overrides any caption information provided in data/figures.yml.
creditstringFollows the caption. Markdown allowed. Overrides any caption information provided in data/figures.yml.
labelbooleanDefault is set to true. true will add a label to the caption, such as “Figure 1.3”, false will remove the label. The global label setting is in the config.yml file under the parameter figureLabels. If a caption is also provided in the shortcode, the labels will be applied on their own directly under each image in the group, rather than as part of the caption.
classis-pulled-right, is-pulled-left, is-full-width, is-centered-smallSets the style of the group of figures overall.
grid1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6Determines the horizontal width (in number of images) of the image grid. If no grid is set, the images will stack on top of one another vertically.


Uses IIIF to add high resolution images with deep-zoom capabilities. See Zooming Images with IIIF

ParameterExpected ValueDescription


* Attributes with an asterisk are in the process of being reviewed as they may not be currently being used and/or may be deprecated.

Positional parameters are included in shortcodes without a name defining them. See q-class, and q-cite.