Manuscript Prep

Tags we recommend adding to a manuscript Word document before Pandoc conversion

Formatting required for Markdown files

  • Format section headings, superscript numbers, block quotes, bullets, and numbered lists using Word Styles
  • Add endnotes using Word References
  • Format figure and table callouts as hyperlinks using the figure # as the link
  • If using internal links, format those as hyperlinks using the catalogue section, figure number, object number etc. as the link
  • Add placeholder YAML fields to the top of each essay or object entry page
  • If using in-text citations (or pop-up references), wrap the author name and date with double dollar signs in the endnotes (i.e. $$Author XXXX$$). You will later use Regular Expression (or RegEx) to find and replace the curly brackets with the citation shortcode. (A similar process can be followed for things like pop-up glossary terms or images.)
  • Create short_titles for essay titles longer than 30 characters
  • Bold any internal notes

Formatting required for data (.yaml) files

  • Format captions for the figures.yaml file
  • If using in-text citations, format author date information for the references.yaml file
  • For collection catalogues, format object information for the objects.yaml file